- Title
- Untitled
- Description
- This piece is a story about a woman who took her granddaughter to a park and saw a polluted stream, evoking a deep emotional response.
- Contributor
- Brandi Butts
- Creator
- Brandi Butts
- Coverage
- 2023, a park in the Center Grove area
- Date
- 1/20/2024
- Identifier
- Trash, pollution, sadness
- Spatial Coverage
- Center Grove, IN
- Rights
- Brandi Butts
- Item sets
- Indy Toxic Heritage
- Site pages
- Items
This item was submitted on February 9, 2024 by [anonymous user] using the form “Indy Toxic Heritage” on the site “Indy Toxic Heritage: Pollution, Place, and Power”: https://projects.library.indianapolis.iu.edu/s/indy-toxic-heritage-pollution-place-and-power
Click here to view the collected data.Position: 11 (64 views)